Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our squash runneth over

In the relative chill of early Southern California spring, we sat down with my aunt and went through the seed catalog to make selections for this year's garden.  A midst the plethora of green bean varietals, tomato types and colors of eggplants, we looked over the squashes.  Zucchini is a given - being robust, productive and versatile, it is an excellent summer production for the garden.  We also added the multi-colored Zephyr squash - which has proven itself an exceptional producer of delicious fruit.

As a result, we're a bit squished on squash, having had it grilled, steamed, fried, baked - in bread, in muffins, even in pancakes.  But you can only dump so much excess zucchini on the neighbors' porches before they install security cameras and you receive your bounty back ten-fold.  Because of that, I've made many an exploratory foray into the internet to discover and experiment with new and creative ways to put our production to use.  My delvings brought me to the 35 zucchini recipes page at Two Peas & Their Pod and I was moved to try out the Zucchini Fritter recipe from the always reliable Smitten Kitchen.

I took a couple of liberties with the given recipe, replacing the black pepper with Old Bay seasoning, and adding a minced clove of garlic to the fritter batter.

One fritter to go!

Love the cast iron

The given recipe calls for serving the fritters with a sour cream fortified with lemon and garlic which sounds delicious, but I had some Garlic Delight dip from All Star Dips sitting in the fridge, and it was a delicious substitution, rich with garlic and sour enough to cut the fat of the fried squash patties.


Prep and cook time are minimal with these fritters, making them an excellent choice for an easy addition to breakfast that takes some small cut at the abundance of squash that you might also be facing.

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